Does this sound like you?

You’re a badass in your industry and can demand top dollar for your services. You love the freedom, financial rewards, and flexibility entrepreneurship provides. You have a deep desire to impact your  community, support your family, and build a impactful legacy.

The only problem is you’ve realized you don’t have control over your finances.

  • 💢 You’re essentially living paycheck to paycheck with minimal savings even though you are making more money than you ever have.

  • 💢 You find your debt increasing and you are unable to keep your debt down.

  • 💢 You find yourself ignoring your finances because it feels overwhelming.

  • 💢 You’re ready to have money work for you and stop the constant hustle and grind.

  • 💢 You are ready to build wealth and a legacy to impact your community and future generations.

You’ve started to realize that taking control of your finances is essential to building your legacy. However, you have no idea where to start or can’t seem to stay on track.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you!


  • Financial Course Membership

    Uncover how to create your customized plan to financial freedom. Learn the exact steps used to save tens of thousands of dollars and pay off debt.

  • Tax & Financial Consulting Services

    Provides you with personalized and in-depth analysis of your finances. We’ll work to uncover the red flags and identify improvements to grow and protect your wealth.

  • Pick My Brain

    Tap into over 10 years of CPA tax service experience and knowledge to address your tax or financial concerns. This is ideal for someone with a simple tax or financial issue looking for basic advice.

Hey there! I’m Alex.

I’m here to help you be empowered with your finances while growing your business.

Many of us entrepreneurs are doing the best we can but have no idea about finances and money so left feeling overwhelmed and lonely at times.

I know the pain and shame of a messy financial house. I have taken the steps to change my relationship with money and get my finances in check. As a single Mama of 2, I pulled myself out of a hole of $50,000 to a $300,000 net worth.

All while resigning from my lucrative, soul-sucking and stressful public accounting career as a CPA in order to create my own firm dedicated to the financial liberation of other high achieving women feeling overwhelmed with their finances or desire to maximize their money.

I now enjoy a life I once dreamed of when I was feeling stressed and in debt - Now I enjoy midday massages at the Ritz Carlton, playtime with my youngest daughter, and supporting my eldest as she navigates college. I’m grateful to serve incredible women so that they can live just as luxuriously as they desire and build an impactful legacy.

What People Are Saying

One of my greatest joys is helping people overcome limiting beliefs, false narratives, and generations of misinformation to create, visualize, and execute their financials goals.


“I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to help me better understand my finances I have been struggling with my credit and budgeting and after breaking down my income and my monthly expenses I have more than enough income to pay all my household expenses, pay off my debt and save for the purchase of my new home thanks to you. I no longer am frustrated when I don’t understand finances and how to cautiously use my money to benefit me and my family and I can continue my debt-free journey with confidence, but my new home and increase my net worth please continue to educate.”

— A Happy Client

“As a young teenage mother I must admit everybody has a different path in life and mine may not be where I thought I would be but what I can do is thank you gracefully for helping me lay my foundation. I allowed myself to be educated by a wonderful person (you) to understand my finances, I am debt-free, consciously save money, opened a legit business, and purchased my own car in cash. You have been such a blessing to me I can now continue my journey and install this same knowledge into my daughter so that she has a great chance at having healthy financial habits.”

— A Happy Client